Photos are copyrighted to KK
In western Japan, Tottori is famous for its large sand dunes. Pears and crabs are also famous, but the dunes are the big draw. On the dunes, you can take a short camel ride, go paragliding, and even try sand-boarding.

On a three day weekend, myself and several other friends went to go check this place out. At the end of July, this place was on fire. Literally, one of my friends wore sandals and the sand burnt her feet. Another got heat stroke, twice! However, after the sweating, we went swimming in the cool ocean (which is jelly fish free before August). I also tried paragliding with my friends, which turned out to be enjoyable, but not necessary to try again. A Japanese friends of ours made the reservation, so I am not sure how to go about setting up the appointment. However, make sure you get there on time and check to bus schedule (also in Japanese) from Tottori City (鳥取市) to Tottori Sand Dunes (鳥取砂丘).

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